Our aims at Happy House Surgery are:
- To provide high quality, effective, patient centered medical health care.
- To provide a caring and compassionate service respecting the needs of our patients and their families.
- To provide an effective service within clean, safe and accessible surroundings.
- To involve our patients in discussions and decisions regarding their healthcare and treatment.
- To provide a professional approach to our patients which will be courteous, accommodating and friendly.
- To work with all of our partners and other providers to ensure the seamless care of our patients.
- To give patients the opportunity to influence the decisions made in the way the surgery operates.
- To improve and optimise our performance against local and national targets
- To ensure our staff are well trained and motivated to ensure the delivery of the highest possible care
- To ensure the rights of patients are maintained and respect their individual wishes.
- To act quickly and properly where patients are unhappy with any element of their service.
- To ensure that all information is accurate and kept in a safe and confidential manner.