Flu Clinics 2021

Flu Clinics will commence on the 27th September, 2021. Patients eligible for the free NHS flu vaccine are: Patients 50 […]

Visiting Happy House Surgery from July 19th

Despite confirmation that national lockdown restrictions will end on 19 July, infection control guidance from Public Health England still remains. With […]

Changes to Prescription Ordering

From the 1st August, our prescription telephone opening times will change to  11am – 6pm. The last year has seen a […]

Green Impact Scheme

This practice is delighted to be signed up to the Green Impact for Health Toolkit and is actively taking steps […]

COVID-19 Vaccinations – 50 and over

If you are 50 and over and have not yet had your first COVID-19 vaccination (even if you have previously declined having […]

Booking an Ambulance

The ambulance booking procedure has changed! As from April 1st 2019, NEAS will be taking all none emergency ambulance bookings […]

NHS News

A wide range of news articles are available to keep you informed about various health related problems and the available […]