Patient Participation Group (PPG)

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Calling all patients registered with the following practice members of the Primary Care Network (PCN)                                                                                                                                                                      

  • Springwell Medical Practice
  • Village Surgery (Dr Joshi & Partners)
  • Happy House Surgery
  • New Silksworth Medical Practice
  • South Hylton Medical Practice

We are currently developing a PCN Patient Participation Group (PPG) to work collaboratively for the needs of our collective practice population.

What is a Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

A PPG is a group of volunteer patients, a lead manager, and a clinical representative. A PPG is open to every patient on the GP practice’s patient list.

PPGs are a route for patients to advise and inform the practice on what matters most to patients and to help identify solutions to problems.

GP practices have PPGs as a way for patients and carers to:

  • Work with GPs and practice staff to improve local services and the quality of care.
  • Improve communication with patients.
  • Promote health and wellbeing.
  • Ensure practices remain accountable and responsive to patient needs.
  • Be a representative of the practice population.
  • Assist where possible to improve the service.
  • Ensure the patient’s voice is heard and used to influence the provision of local health services.

Why do we have a PPG?

The PPG exists to provide patients with a voice within their surgeries, ensuring their ideas are heard and considered, fostering community engagement, and improving the overall quality of care by incorporating patient feedback and perspectives.


  1. Help improve on the experience of attending the services and our PCN GP practices.
  2. Help the PCN decide on overall service priorities.
  3. Helps bring the attention of staff, the practice perspective of the level and standard of the services provided.
  4. Acts as a channel in communicating with patients.
  5. How changes in the NHS will affect service provision
  6. Information on the help available, support groups and networks
  7. Helps improve patients overall experience of the practice.

How to join the PPG

If you are interested in learning more about the NHS, Primary Care and how you can help shape the way each practice delivers care, then the PPG is right for you. Please contact for more information.